
NeC (Nilsson et Chiglien) gallery
117 rue Vieille du Temple, Paris

00:03:05:12, 00:04:13:02, 00:02:34:06, 00:15:24:16, 00:06:43:08, 00:03:03:05, 6 photograms (super 8, HI8, digital) printed on aluminium plates, 75 x 56 cm each, 2016
00:07:42:10, 00:03:43:21, 00:01:19:06, 00:01:26:06,
4 photograms (super 8 and digital) printed on aluminium plates, 149 x 113 cm each, 2016

00:00:14:37, vidéo 1 channel (digital HD), 14’ 37, loop, 2014
, cup in a glass box on a base, 30 x 30 x 30 cm, 2011
Cendres, 3 items of an ash wash series on pinned paper, steel frame and glass, 39,5 x 31 cm each, 2014
54, madeleines aluminium moulds, felt, steel frame and glass, 48 x 52,5 cm, 2014

Extrait #1, alarm clock in a glass box on a base, 20 x 20 x 20 cm, 2016
Extrait #2, credit card receipt in a glass box on a base, 20 x 20 x 20 cm, 2016
Extrait #3, photogram of a super 8 footage in a plastic box, glass box on a base, 20 x 20 x 20 cm, 2016